Opening hours in January

The Ice Kingdom will be open for the entire first week of January and all Fridays and weekends in January according to the following schedule: 1.1. and 2.1. from 10 am to 7 pm. 3.1. – 7.1. from 2 pm to 7 pm 8.1. and 9.1. from 10 am to 7 pm 14.1. from 2 […]
Thank you

The creators of the live nativity scene thank you for your visit and support, despite the fact that the weather conditions were not the most favorable for us. Thank you for being with us in good and bad. In the new year, we wish you a lot of small miracles and that all your wishes […]
We are opening a climbing area

On Monday, 24.1. we are opening a climbing area for ice climbing! The climbing area will be open every day from 9.00 to 22.00. The price of a day ticket (9.00-16.00) is € 15, and the price of a night ticket (16.00-22.00) is € 20. For climbing, a reservation is required on tel. 031-495-275.